This week, Platform Computing announced a new customer for ISF, our private cloud management software. Fetch Technologies, an artificial intelligence-based data extraction company, is an excellent example of what cloud computing can do for your business. As a company with a small IT staff, a large-scale SaaS offering and clients that rely on their mission-critical data, Fetch needed to find a cost-effective way to scale and meet the increasing compute power requirements needed for their complex data extraction. Fetch’s story, as told in this excellent article from Nicole Hemsoth at HPC in the Cloud, also exemplifies a trend we are seeing with many of our customers and prospects- the desire to start with private cloud and eventually leverage public cloud resources. Nicole and Rich Parker from Fetch sum it up nicely here:
“It is useful for firms to have the ability to leverage the public cloud as needed. In a discussion about private clouds in the model that Fetch is utilizing, ‘private cloud monitoring of resources and capacity planning are very critical. We need to know when we need to add more resources and how long it will take to add them. For example, we need to add more CPU and memory—that could take us 2 weeks to do. We monitor like crazy; we have over 200 monitors.’ However, as Parker did note, having the capability to scale to EC2—even if that never happens, is one of the attractive features of a cloud offering that the one they chose from Platform.”
To learn more, take a look at Nicole’s article. Rich and his team are true innovators on the cloud front, and are definitely ones to keep an eye on as they evolve their cloud computing model.
A New Chapter In My Life; Google
8 years ago
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