VM World 2010 kicks off August 30 in San Francisco, and this year the conference is seeking “the wisdom of crowds” to set the agenda. The public gets to vote on which speakers they’d like to see, and yours truly - Platform’s CTO for HPC - is in the running with a session that will explore several paths that organizations can take to successfully support a private cloud. In what should prove to be a lively and informative discussion, I will demonstrate how enterprises can effectively match performance and reliability requirements to their computing workload, while mitigating some of the challenges and risks involved (such as security and control issues). Perhaps most illuminating, I’ll show how some of the real-world companies that Platform is working with are forging a path to the private cloud today, with each use case illustrating a unique approach. So if you’re interested in hearing more, please give me a big thumbs up at: http://www.vmworld.com/community/conferences/2010/cfpvote/. My session is being considered for the Private Cloud - Management track, and my session is listed towards the very bottom of the scroll list.
Voting is open until May 26, so please encourage your friends, colleagues, neighbors, partners, and customers to vote frequently and often so that I can see you all in San Francisco this August!
A New Chapter In My Life; Google
8 years ago
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